Yondr Pouch Information

MCPSS enhanced safety
Baker Yondr procedures

MCPSS Yondr Pouch Procedure

Damaged/ Lost Pouch

Any student/ parent who reports a Yondr pouch either lost, stolen, or damaged to the point that prevents the pouch from successfully closing will be required to purchase a new pouch at the cost of $30.00 each.  If a new Yondr pouch is not purchased to replace the lost, stolen, or damaged pouch, the student CANNOT bring his or her cell phone or other electronic devices, to include “smart” watches and earbuds, on campus for any reason.  Any student found to be in possession of a cellular telephone or other electronic devices and who reports that his or her assigned Yondr pouch has been lost, stolen, or damaged, must immediately surrender his or her cell phone to the administrative office and a parent will be required to retrieve.  

Phone Out of Pouch

According to the current (2023 – 2025) Student Code of Conduct, the offense designated as B-6 states as follows:

6.  Usage of electronic devices including communication and emerging
technologies  While on campus, electronic devices shall be powered off and stored away until the dismissal bell rings.

This offense will be used to address matters involving a student who is discovered to be in possession of a cellular phone, smart watch, or ear buds outside of a Yondr pouch at a time designated during which student cell phones and other electronic devices should be secured inside a Yondr pouch.  Progressive discipline as stated in the Student Code of Conduct will be followed for each incident of a B-6 offense.  When investigated if it is discovered that a student’s assigned Yondr pouch is lost, stolen, or damaged, then the process mentioned above under Damaged/ Lost Pouch will be followed.  If it is discovered that the pouch was intentionally damaged, further disciplinary action including possible suspension for Student Code of Conduct, Group C offense, C-4 Criminal Mischief, may be appropriate.


Forgotten Pouch

Any student discovered to be in possession of a cellular phone or other electronic device at a time designated during which student cell phones and other electronic devices should be secured inside a Yondr pouch and that student states that he or she “forgot” to bring their assigned Yondr pouch to campus must immediately surrender his or her cellular phone and other electronic devices to the administrative office.  A parent or guardian must then retrieve the cellular phone and other electronic devices from the administrative office.